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Selection for the JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) young researcher overseas visit program

Published on Nov 09, 2011


2 Osaka City University projects have been selected for the 2011 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science - Strategic Young Researcher Overseas Visits Program for Accelerating Brain Circulation.

  1. Graduate School of Science
    "Deepening and Evolution of Mathematics and Physics, Building of International Network Hub based on OCAMI (Osaka City University Advanced Mathematical Institute)"
  2. Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences
    "Historical formation and cultural creativity of East Asian cities"

Project explanations

Graduate School of Science

Project title:

"Deeping and Evolution of Mathematics and Physics, Building of International Network Hub based on OCAMI"

Researchers in project group:

Osaka City University - Graduate School of Science
Futoshi TAKAHASHI (Research Group Leader), Yoshihiro ONITA, Mikiya MASUDA, Akio KAWAUCHI, Toshiyuki TANISAKI, Yoshie SUGIYAMA, Hideki ISHIHARA, Kenichi NAKAO, Hiroshi ITOYAMA, Yukinori YASUI

Project description and distinctive features:

The Osaka City University Advanced Mathematical Institute (OCAMI) was established in 2003 within the Graduate School of Science, when it was selected for the 21st Century Center of Excellence Program with the theme "Constitution of Wide-Angle Mathematical Basis Focused on Knots".

In addition, the Physics Department has a long and outstanding history as a research institute, with Yoichiro Nambu, winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics and the heart of physics in Japan, as its senior.

With this project, we would like to build close network relations through the long-term dispatch of our young researchers to the excellent research institutes such as Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, China's Nankai University Chern Institute of Mathematics, Germany's University of Bonn Institute for Applied Mathematics, Canada's University of Toronto Department of Mathematics, the UK's University of London King's College Department of Mathematics and University of Cambridge Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, France's Paris Diderot University Research Center for Astroparticles and Cosmology and Russia's Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, in order to advance the firm foundation of our research and education.

It is our aim to establish an international research network, with OCAMI as its base, which is not limited to a single research theme, but links multiple research fields and creates mutual combinations of mathematics and theoretical physics research.

Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences

Project title:

"Historical Formation and Cultural Creativity of East Asian Cities"

Researchers in project group:

Osaka City University - Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences
Hiroshi NIKI (Research Group Leader), Toru INOUE, Tsuneo MATSUURA, Shigeki HIRATA, Mitsuhiko NOZAKI, Takashi TSUKADA, Ashita SAGA, Eiji KAWANO

Project description and distinctive features:

Under this project we will strengthen our international urban research network through the long-term dispatch of young researchers and joint research projects between the Osaka City University Urban Research Center and 1.Shanghai Normal University Modern Chinese Society Research Center, 2. Taiwan's Academia Sinica Institute of Modern History, 3. Pusan National University Korean Studies Institute, 4. University of Seoul Institute of Urban Science.

A newly formed workgroup will organize separate seminars on the themes of "Formation and Growth of Urban Culture" and "Urban Culture amid Globalization".

Furthermore we want to establish world-class urban research results by inviting researchers from the institutes above as well as acclaimed scholars in the field of Chinese urban history from the United States to hold joint international seminars. We expect that the young researchers dispatched to the above institutes will grow into internationally active scholars, through their pursuit of research and investigation as well as presentations at international seminars.

In the last project year we aim to gather the results of the joint research in a final report to be published so as to serve as an academic resource.
