Scientists found granzyme B inhibitor is effective in treating “intractable” pemphigoid diseases
Blood Pressure Drug may be Key to Increasing Lifespan, New Study Shows
Healthy Muscles are a Carrot on a String for Healthy Lungs
Phase II Started for a Study Towards the Prevention of Cerebral Palsy
Ceremony held for large donation to OCU research on COVID-19 countermeasures
Crowdfunding started for “robotic cane” - Give us your opinions!
Cutting cancer off at the head
The Atomic Makeup of M. pneumoniae’s “Nap” structure Glides into View
Conclusion of MTA between OCU and Medicago R&D Inc.
A New Society in the Post-Corona Era - President Press Conference, 2020 (4 September 2020
Viral dark matter exposed: metagenome database detects phage-derived antibacterial enzyme
Our Novel Semi-quantitative COVID-19 Antibody Detection Kit Reveals Seropositivity for COVID-19 to be as High as 1% among Osaka Citizens